E5-5 = ink cartridges tidak terpasang atau cartridge yang terpasang salah (tidak kompatibel) E8 = absorber full, atau platen waste ink absorber full minta direset E9 = hubungan ke digital camera / video camera tidak support
PRINTER REPAIR, PRINTER REPAIR BOOK : ERROR CODE CANON Simply, install all necessary Canon printer drivers from manufacturer’s website as per your printer model and operating system. If you want you can also take help for the same from printer experts through our round the clock Canon Printer Helpline . Reset Ink Absorber Full - Canon MP160 and MP140 Apr 16, 2012 · Reset Ink Absorber Full - Canon MP160 and MP140 Canon MP160 and MP145 1) With the printer powered off but connected to a power source, press the Power button while pressing and holding the Stop/ Reset button. Canon Pixma mp140 has error message of "paper jam" (E 3 ...
CANON MP140, MP145, MP150, MP160 RESET ERROR CODES ... RESET ERROR CODES CANON MP140, MP145, MP150, MP160 E2-2 = No paper (ASF) E3-3 = Paper jam E4 = No ink E5-5 = The ink cartridges are not installed or a non-supported ink cartridge is installed, or the ink cartridges are not installed properly E8 = Waste ink absorber full, or platen waste ink absorber full ekaagung: cara memperbaiki printer canon MP160 dan MP145 ... kali ini saya mau membagi pengalaman tentang memperbaiki dan mereset printer Mp160 dan Mp145 memang printer canon jenis MP itu sering eror/ minta di reset, saya akan memberi tips untuk memperbaiki printer canon jenis MP √Kode Error Printer Canon MP145, MP150, MP160 Printer Canon MG2570s Bunyi Keras dan Tidak Bisa Narik Kertas
CANON MP140, MP145, MP150, MP160 RESET ERROR CODES ... RESET ERROR CODES CANON MP140, MP145, MP150, MP160. E2-2 = No paper (ASF) E3-3 = Paper jam. E4 = No ink. E5-5 = The ink cartridges are not installed or a non-supported ink cartridge. is installed, or the ink cartridges are not installed properly. E8 = Waste ink absorber full, or platen waste ink absorber full. Canon MP145 E2 & E7 error.. | FixYourOwnPrinter Here the reset procedure to reset waste ink counter on Canon Pixma MP145 : 1) Connect the Printer to a Power source, Turn off the printer if printer on. 2) With the Printer power off, press the Power button while pressing and holding Stop/Reset button. How to fix the Canon printer E5 error message Jan 05, 2018 · There are other options to try, including resetting specific printer functions and counters. For these options, you need to either search the Internet for your printer model and specific reset instructions or contact Canon technical support. The reset instructions differ by model number, so you need to get the instructions for your specific
How to clear e4 error code on MP145 - JustAnswer Mar 11, 2009 · When Canon Printer detect this abnormality, the first Canon self defense system is by Stop Printing. And then displaying some messages on your Computer Screen, indicating that your ink cartridge have to be replaced because it's EMPTY. Fix: Canon MP145 and Canon MP160 Error 2 & 7 | MyComputerClue Oct 30, 2010 · Don’t panic, just reset your Canon MP145 or Canon MP160 and you are able to use it again. To do so, please follow the steps below: Power off your printer and keep your printer connected to the power source. แก้ปัญหา Printer ErRor: Error Code Canon MP145
Mengatasi Error E8 dan E5 Printer Canon MP145